bueno gente este disco No!!!!! salio a la venta no es oficial, pero aca lo tenemossssssss haaaaaaaaajajajaajaj se los dejo para los maggot y todos los que les guste esta banda espectacular.
Artista : spliknot
Album: jump up
Formato: MP3
Bitrate: 320 kbp/s
Compresion: RAR
Servidor: Rapidshare
Genero Musical: metal
Tamaño del archivo: 70,27 Mb
Uploader: sergio
Covers: Front
track list:
01 Heretic Song (Rough Mix-Demo)
02 Surfacing (Rough Mix-Demo)
03 Spit It Out (Early Demo Version)
04 Wait And Bleed (Terry Date Mix)
05 (Sic) (Molt Injected Mix)
06 Frail Limp Nursery (Withdraw Slipknot Track)
07 Purity (Withdraw Slipknot Track)
08 Spit It Out (Overcaffeinated Hyper Version)
09 Requiem (Snot Feat. Corey)
10 Jumpdafuckup (Soulfly Feat. Corey)
11 Domination (Biohazard Feat. Slipknot)
12 The Fight Song (Slipknot Remix. Joey)
13 New Abortion (Live Ozzfest 2001)
14 Surfacing (Live Webster Theatre 1999)
15 Wait And Bleed (Live Webster Theatre 1999)
16 Liberate (Live Tattoo The Earth 2000)
17 Surfacing (Live Tattoo The Earth 2000)
18 (Sic) (Live Canal 2000)
19 Wait And Bleed (Live TFI Friday 2000)
20 Prosthetics (Live Dynamo Open Air 2000
link de descarga:

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